AI Institute Data Science and AI Bootcamp Course
May 22, 2020

Website The AI Institute
The AI Institute (Data Science and AI ) Bootcamp
The AI Institute, a company incorporated in the US (AI Teaching Technology) & in France, offers a 480-hour live virtual classroom course aiming at training future Data Scientists with a strong focus on Artificial Intelligence techniques.
To become a Data Scientist, we must nowadays master the fundamentals of data manipulation & analysis as well as the main techniques & methods of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning & their applications (Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP)…). This training also reinforces your mathematical foundations as well as the mastery of computer tools such as GitHub, AWS, Hadoop, Spark), programming languages (Python, R, SAS) & libraries or frameworks (Tensorflow, Pytorch…)
The training is offered online, 8 hours a day by a teacher per classroom with a maximum of 15 students. The bootcamp is evenly balanced between lectures, application exercises, full-day workshops and 3-days mini-projects to solve real business cases. Thus, students are spending 75% of their time on practical problem-solving to become fully operational at the end.
Learning by doing
This online bootcamp relies heavily on active learning principles, ie learning by doing and therefore is a very operational and practical training with a balanced distribution between theory, practical exercises, workshops to solve complex problems & mini-projects to develop solutions to real business problems : ¾ of the bootcamp time is spent on practice
Learning schedule
This training will start on 1st July 2020 and includes 480 hours of course and practical activities, spread over 60 full-time consecutive working days over 3 months. Class days, from Monday to Friday, are from 9:00 am until 6:30 pm East Coast time, including a mid-morning, lunch, and mid-afternoon break.
Our training is based on a “Learning everywhere” system. The video conference format will allow you to take the live interactive course from any location you choose. You will get an online access to the training course material
Target Audience, prerequisites & admission
Bootcamp candidates can be holders of any of the following :
- a Master of Science in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or Science,
- or holders of a MBA diploma with a strong scientific background,
- or holders of any equivalent diploma or degree
Course Syllabus
The following is a high-level view of the modules to be covered in the course:
Module 1: IT tools, Maths & Data Management foundations for Data Science & Artificial
Intelligence (16 days)
Module 2: Machine Learning & Deep Learning techniques (11 days)
Module 2: Machine Learning & Deep Learning techniques (11 days)
Module 3: Use AI methods for Image processing and Natural Language Processing (NLP) (11
Module 4: Mini-projects – Leverage all your Data Science & AI skills on business cases (15
Module 5: Managing an innovative project from different perspectives, Discover the most used AI applications in different business sectors (9 days)
Full details on the elements covered under each course can be viewed here(course brochure)
Course Cost
The cost of the course will be KSH 90,000 / $900. Payment in installments will also be accepted. (maximum 3 installments )
Course instructors
The AI institute team consists of experienced professionals in the tech and research industries , ready to share their expertise and instill knowledge. They include:
François-Xavier Hussherr – PhD in Economics, 22 years of professional experience in the digital, statistical and educational fields. Did his PhD both at MIT and at the Telecom Engineering School in Paris.
Samy Lahbabi -Master’s degree in Signal Processing & Mobile Networks from Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. Strong expertise in the field of Innovation & Product Management, particularly in e-education & AI.
Alireza Bagheri – PhD in Electrical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ. PhD research goal focused on establishment of a theoretical framework to enable the design of flexible biology-inspired learning algorithms that are tailored to the solution of supervised and unsupervised cognitive tasks.
Dmitry Babichev -Ph.D. in Machine Learning at the École Normale Supérieure d’Ulm, Paris.
Nicolas Hussherr – Holds an MBA from the University of Rouen, France and a Master’s degree in Embedded Systems from ESIGELEC, France.Sound experience at high-tech companies, in product strategy, pre-sales, product design & project management to build & deliver solutions tailored to customers’ needs.
Application Process
Interested applicants should fill in their details on this form, after which they will be contacted.
If your application is accepted, an interview will be scheduled remotely via Zoom or Skype.
The interview will focus on 30 minutes on your motivation for the training and, for the next
30 minutes, on your scientific knowledge.