Offer Mentorship

Get Involved

We are looking for speakers to come and share knowledge and expertise around data science, machine learning, and robotics. We encourage speakers from all industries including health, banking, fintech, manufacturing, transportation and logistics among others to come and share real world knowledge and strategies. We also welcome researchers in machine learning or robotics to come and share new ideas and practices with our audience.

Here is How you can get involved as a speaker


Take the hot seat and share how you are implementing machine learning, data science or robotics in your organization. We can also discuss a research paper you have been a part of and the implications it has on businesses or people.

Spotlight Series

Are you a startup or organization that is leveraging and developing data science and machine learning products? Take the stage , share with an audience and get feedback and build new connections.


Do you have a problem! A business challenge that you would like to be solved collectively by the community? Does the problem revolve around data science, machine learning or robotics? Let us know and we will make it happen.

Show and Tell

You have an interesting project you have been working on or been a part of? Would you like to get feedback and collaborators to improve it? Take the stage and share your work with the community

mawAIdha Sessions

Our own range of Fireside chat events, where we have one main speaker taking the stage for 30 minutes, talking about a topic they care about or need people to pay attention to. This is then followed by a 40 minute Q n A session with the audience. Topics can be both on Tech or non tech

Papers We love

Do you have a research paper that you find interesting? Would you like to have 15 minutes to break it down to the community ? Here is your chance!!

Code Maktaba

Have you mastered technical concepts and would like to share with the community? Can you lead a technical workshop and take people through a series of steps to achieve a technical goal? This is the perfect opportunity for you to share your skills and mentor others in hands on technical subjects.

Public Screening

Do you have a documentary in mind that we should watch as a community and have a discussion after? Let us know and we will make it happen. Our previous screenings have featured Alpha Go and The Great Hack.

Here are some of our mentors/speakers

To become a speaker kindly apply by filling the form and we will get back shortly after review

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    15th May Summit Pop up poster